Give yourself the gift of wellness...
Are you looking to deepen your personal practice, or needing support on the healing path?
Private Yoga Therapy sessions can help support and deepen your healing process and help you achieve your highest potential. Meet privately with Laura to customize a home practice to help you meet your multidimensional needs and desires.
Private sessions are an amazing way to completely tailer the many tools of Yoga to support your therapeutic needs, wellness goals, and/or creativity, life path, vocal embodiment/ expression, higher desires and visions. Most people use them to support a therapeutic need (think physical therapy meets yoga) as well to create a home practice which can deeply support and even transform ones life. Other people use them as a personalized private (or semi private) yoga class with the entire flow customized to them. And sessions can be recorded to take home for future use. Please look below for pricing and more info or just let me know of any questions you have. My passion is bringing these healing and helpful tools to people - I would love to support you!
Prices & Packages
Single Session $120 - 90 minutes including full evaluation, practice and personally customized take home practice. Recordings optional.
Package 1 $255 for 3 sessions ($85 per session) - 90 minute initial session including full evaluation, practice and personally customized written out take home practice, plus two additional 60 minus sessions for refinement and progression of practice. Recordings optional.
Package 2 $450 for 6 sessions ($75 per session) - 90 minute initial session including full evaluation, practice and personally customized written out take home practice, plus five additional 60 minus sessions for refinement and progression of practice. Recordings optional.
Package 3 $65 for drop-in 75 min check-in sessions - for on-going students who have completed 6 or more sessions previously. In person enhancement or modification of home practice - recording optional (No additional written practice - see package deals above for this service).
Package 4 $165 for 3 sessions ($55 per session) - for on-going students who have completed 6 or more sessions previously. In person enhancement or modification of home practice - recording optional (No additional written practice - see package deals above for this service).
***Virtual sessions available***
Example practice:
More about Yoga Therapy
Yoga therapy uses and adapts the classical tools of yoga to aid and further our holistic, healing process. It can be used to manage a wide range of needs, conditions, and diseases. Some examples:
Stress Addiction
Stage Fright
Memory Function
Joint pain/ injury
Back pain/ injury
Pre/post operation
Injury Rehabilitation
High blood pressure
Chronic fatigue
Multiple sclerosis
Parkinson's disease
Heart disease
Yoga therapy can also assist in gaining awareness of our subtler aspects. It can help to transition us more smoothly through various stages of life, deepen our personal and spiritual growth, and help us to make the changes we need to become more empowered and fulfilled in our lives.
An individualized, one-on-one practice, Yoga therapy is tailored to your age, goal, energy level, occupation, environment, constitution, and specific condition, if any. It respects the uniqueness of each individual and honors the fact that Yoga is not "one size fits all."
Some common tools of Yoga:
physical postures (asana)
breath regulation (pranayama)
meditation (dhyana)
gestures (mudra)
sound/chanting (mantra)
guided self-inquiry (svadhyaya)
visualization / affirmation (bhavana)
oil application (dravya upayoga)
dietary recommendations (ahara niyama)
lifestyle suggestions (vihara niyama)
“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”