Connect more lovingly with yourself and others
while you Step into your pleasure, peace, power and purpose…
through the practice of embodying love!
When we connect, through our felt, bodily experience with feelings of Love, we offer ourselves a peace and freedom like no other. We enter a field of consciousness that is so whole, so vast, so loving that we can’t help but feel held, and in that deep support, transformed, even if it is just a sliver of transformation. The true magic and transformative power of embodying Love is the way it allows us to be with what is. In this way we shift the energy of the patterns playing out within us, as well as around us. We transform as Love.
~ Imagine more regularly being able to drop into this supportive and transformational Love Consciousness, becoming closer to the source of who and what we are ~
~ Imagine connecting on the most fundamental level to yourself and to others ~
~ Imagine resting in the field of Love, resting in yourself. How much more peace, pleasure, choice, agency, and power you might feel ~
~ Imagine the enhanced clarity, purpose and delivery of desires you may have ~
~ Imagine the LOVE! Feeling it, being guided by it, sharing it, spreading it, Being it ~
~ Imagine what is possible when we feel, and remember that we ARE Love! ~
~ AND imagine this happening in the collective ~
Are you ready to practice and play? To feel all the different ways Love fits you? To allow what you feel to transform inwardly and express outwardly?
Join us in this monthly class…
Exploring ways to embody the many facets of Love, to nurture and foster a more enjoyable and loving connection within ourselves, our personal relationships, collectively and with the Divine. Together we will explore Love’s felt qualities throughout the year in monthly themes, with embodiment practices such as various forms of movement including gentle yoga, free form dance and somatic processing, song/sound, breath and energy work; through journal reflection, meditation and ritual; and through the safe supportive container we provide together as community.
You will be able to carry these experiences, and more, home with you - nourishing self-caring/ self-loving practices, ways to connect with self and others, and rituals to anchor your path at home and into your life. Imagine the possibilities of living from a place of Embodied Love in any situation - Its possible because we ARE Love!
A Year of Embodying Love
MARCH - Cultivating and becoming a source of Compassion
APRIL - Kindness & Generosity - express routes to Embodying Love
MAY - Connecting with Love through Nature and Beauty
JUNE - The dance of Love, Joy and Play!
JULY - Pleasure and Sensual Love
AUGUST - Revealing and expressing Love through our hearts Passion, Purpose & Desires
SEPTEMBER - Love sourced Courage, for befriending our shadows
OCTOBER - Loves gift of Forgiveness
NOVEMBER- Giving Thanks, with Love and Gratitude
DECEMBER - One Love, Divine Grace, and the Peace that is
JANUARY - Calling in Love, the Magic of Loving Intentions and Belief
FEBRUARY - Cultivating and becoming a source of Compassion
MARCH - Acceptance of and Loving our Wholeness
“When we embody love, we are the most powerful being in the universe.”
Give to yourself, give to your life!
Join the journey of Embodying Love!
Class currently not in live session. Recordings from last session are available.
or, Click on the date to learn more about each month and sign up individually
May 22nd -Beauty
July 31st - Pleasure
Some tips for preparing for class here…
“As we embody love, we inspire love in everybody.”